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BEECH Grade (PINE Combi)

638,00 €/m3

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Production Facilities Türkiye
Declaration Turkish Plywood® ALL
International Standards FSC, CE, EN, TSE
Tolerance Standard International Acceptance & Special Tolerances
Transport Protocol FIATA
Sales Regions Europe, South Asia, Middle East, Africa
Product Description

Beech / Pine Combination Plywood appeals to a wide area in terms of use. It is one of the leading products for the furniture, floor coverings, packaging and architectural sectors. The fact that the top layers are beech ply and the inner layers are pine ply ensures that the product meets the surface expectations at a high level and is significantly resistant.
Beech / Pine Combination Plywood products, which are produced in factories where Glopdoc has a global partnership, are produced under the standards included in the glopdoc declaration.

The prominent ones among these standards are ;
Pine veneer quality on the main axis of strength adequacy according to pine tree type
And Beech veneer quality,
Production technology,
The proportions of glue used,
Ölçüler (2500x1250mm/1250x2500mm-2440x1220mm/1220x2440mm),
Compliance with international standards on tolerance,
(Clean surface)

Glopdoc Beech / Pine Combination Plywood products are delivered to our customers in accordance with the FIATA Transport protocol in the form of shipment from central warehousing, transit shipment, delivery to the place.

Production Facilities









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